Interested in sponsoring Kolob Canyon String Camp?
Kolob Canyon String Camp is a registered non-profit 501 c-3. Any sponsorships, donations, or gift-in-kind provide significant help to the growth and development of the camp and also provide tax-saving benefits for you or your company. If you are interested in or have questions about sponsoring our string camp, please see the sponsorship packages and contact information provided below.
Kolob Canyon String Camp
Sponsorship Packages
Etude Level Sponsor: $100 to $999
Name listed on concert programs
Minuet Level Sponsor: $1,000-2,999
Logo on the back of the shirt
Name listed on concert programs
Name listed on website
Concerto Level Sponsor: $3,000-4,999
Logo on the back of the shirt
Logo on concert programs
Logo on Website
Recognition on KCSC Social Media
Symphony Level Sponsor: $5,000-9,999
Logo on the back of the shirt
Logo on concert programs
Logo on website
Recognition on KCSC Social Media
Logo on any promotional material
Lunchtime concert dedicated to you or your organization
Presenting “Virtuoso” Sponsor: $10,000+
Logo on the back of the shirt
Logo on concert programs
Logo on website
Recognition on KCSC Social Media
Logo on any promotional material
Logo on banners
Organization verbally recognized in welcome orientation and final concert